On the Road to a Dream

Eclipse of the Heart: A Fast and Furious Journey to My Dream Car The Beginning The muffled crunch of popcorn echoing throughout the theater was suddenly overtaken by the throaty hum of an engine and the assertive clack of a shifter slamming into position. As the car lurched forward, my passion roared to life, surging faster than the needle on the speedometer of Paul Walker's lime green dream machine. Moments later, as his car was spinning out of control, so was my imagination. I was hooked. Though its time on screen was fleeting, the 2nd Generation Mitsubishi Eclipse was indelibly etched into my heart, igniting an inferno of excitement so powerful that it felt like it had blown the welds on my intake and fried my piston rings. And unlike the fleeting rush of a double-shot of NOS, this surge of adrenaline never subsided. Was I a car enthusiast? Nope. Not even close. I was a recent high school grad who didn't even enjoy driving. But on that fateful evening, my buddies dragged ...